I’ve been a fan of the work of Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg for a long time, and their books are among my favorites in business, so I had high expectations for their new one, Buyer Legends.
As a small business owner, I’ve always paid a lot of attention to relationships with our customers, but Buyer Legends provided me with clarity through the storytelling process they shared, and this is something I will implement in the future.
Our Affiliate Summit customers are very diverse by location, background, job level, and socioeconomic status, so having a story that resonates is a challenge.
But the Buyer Legends process has helped me in how we should be crafting our own Buyer Legend.
It was a big bonus that the book was a quick read, so I can get right into applying it.
The post, You Should Read Buyer Legends: The Executive Storyteller’s Guide by Shawn Collins, was originally published on the Affiliate Marketing Blog.